On 6/19/06, John W. Krahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Anthony Ettinger wrote:
>>    # order matters
>>    $raw_text =~ s/\015\012/\n/g;
>>    $raw_text =~ s/\012/\n/g unless "\n" eq "\012";
>>    $raw_text =~ s/\015/\n/g unless "\n" eq "\015";
> Does it make any difference if I use s/\cM\cJ/cJ/ vs. s/\015\012/\n/g ?

The string "cJ" in your example is completely different than the string "\n"
and even if you had used "\cJ" it would still not be the same some of the time
and you don't have the /g option on your example.

Not according to the perlport page, it reads as though they are
synonymous with each other. Also, why would a newline not be at the
end of a line? I don't see that /g *has* to be there except for the
mac files, which is what I have.

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Anthony Ettinger
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