Have given it many attempts to fix….but now need help..


Derek Bellner Smith

Unix Systems Engineer

Cardinal Health Dublin, Ohio


From: Smith, Derek
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 11:19 AM
To: beginners@perl.org
Subject: uninitialized value error


I am getting the following error yet the script is doing what I need it to do restart a process:


Use of uninitialized value at /usr/local/admin/named_monit.pl line 71 (#1)


   (W) An undefined value was used as if it were already defined.  It was

   interpreted as a "" or a 0, but maybe it was a mistake.  To suppress this

   warning assign an initial value to your variables.


ps: wrong PID number -o

ps: Unknown option (vsz).

Did not close FH ps   at /usr/local/admin/named_monit.pl line 86.

Did not close FH pso  at /usr/local/admin/named_monit.pl line 87.




Here is my code as attached, but please excuse the Perl version….. 5.005_03

Thank you




Derek Bellner Smith

Unix Systems Engineer

Cardinal Health Dublin, Ohio




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# Derek B. Smith

require 5.00503;
use strict;
#use warnings;
use diagnostics; 
$ENV{"PATH"} = qq(/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin);
$ENV{UNIX95} = 1;
delete @ENV{qw (IFS CDPATH ENV KSH_ENV) };

my @arry   = ();
my $oncall = qq/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/;
my $log    = qq(/var/adm/named.log);
use constant VSZ => 63000;

   ##-- BEGIN ROUTINES --##

    my $overide = $SIG{__DIE__};  ## get error handler currently assigned 2 die
       $SIG{__DIE__} =
       sub {
           my $error = shift;    ## error now holds the mesg passed to die
           $overide->($error) if (ref $overide);
           print LOG ($error);

    sub dateme {
        my ($hour,$min,$month,$day,$year) = (localtime)[2,1,4,3,5];
        sprintf ("%02d:%02d   %02d/%02d/%02d\n", $hour,$min,$month+1,$day, 
        ($year % 100));

    sub namedchk {
        if (scalar @arry == 1) {
            print LOG "restarting named on dubdns02\n";
            print LOG "named process count:\t", scalar @arry,"\n";
            print LOG dateme(),"\n";
            system ("/sbin/init.d/named stop");
            system ("/usr/bin/kill -9 $arry[0]");
            sleep 5;
            system ("/sbin/init.d/named start");
            print LOG "named process count after restart:\t", scalar 
        elsif (scalar @arry > 1) {
            print LOG "there is more than 1 named process on dubdns02";
            print LOG dateme();
            system ("echo named dubdns02|mailx -s named $oncall");

   ##-- BEGIN MAIN --##

        open (LOG, ">>$log")  or warn "unable to open log $!";

        open (PS, "ps -ef|grep /usr/sbin/[n]amed |") or die "not spawn ps $!";
        for (;<PS>;) {
            push @arry, (split)[1];

       if (scalar @arry < 1) {
           print LOG "named was not running, now restartng\n", dateme();
           system ("echo named dubdns02|mailx -s named $oncall");
           system ("/sbin/init.d/named start");

       open (PSO, "ps -p$arry[0] -o vsz |") or die  "unable to spawn ps -p $!"; 
   ##-- LINE 71 --##

       foreach (<PSO>) {
           if (/\d+/) {
               if ($_ >= VSZ) {
                  print LOG "named vsz reached over 60mb,now stopping & 
                  print LOG dateme(),"\n";
               else {
                   exit 1;

close (PS)  or warn "Did not close FH ps  $!";
close (PSO) or warn "Did not close FH pso $!";
close (LOG) or warn "Did not close FH log $!";
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