On Thu, 2006-22-06 at 16:45 +0800, Khairul Azmi wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have this problem. There is a script that stores log files into folders
> that follows structure of the following
> eg..
> /var/log/projects/2006/06/20/8231.tgz
> /var/log/project1/2006/06/21/1432.tgz
> /var/log/projects/2006/06/22/1756.tgz
> /var/log/projects/2006/06/23/1756.tgz
> Now I want to write a script that would erase all logs that has been stored
> except for the log for the current day. For the above example, since today
> is 23 June 2006, the code will erase log files in folders 2006/06/20/ and
> 2006/06/21/ only. Can somebody give ideas on how to do this. This script is
> to be ran once a day.
> Thanks in advance.
> mie

The module File::Find comes with Perl. See `perldoc File::Find` for


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