On Thu, June 22, 2006 09:25, chen li wrote:
> --- Prabu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Hope this is your need...
>> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>> use warnings ;
>> use CGI qw/:standard/;
>> print header, start_html("Stsd ILO Links"), h1("Stsd
>> ILO Links") ;
>> print table({-border=>undef,,-width=>'75%',
>> -height=>'70%'},
>> caption(strong('Web Page Under construction?')),
>> Tr({-align=>CENTER,-valign=>TOP},
>> [
>> th(['','<A HREF="#">Network Switch</A>','<A
>> HREF="#">Bay 1</A>','<A
>> HREF="#">Bay 2</A>','<A HREF="#">Bay 3</A>' ,'<A
>> HREF="#">Network
>> Switch</A>' ]),
>> th('<A HREF="#">Enclosure 1</A>').td(['<A
>> HREF="#">Bl20p G2</A>','<A
>> HREF="#">yes</A>','<A HREF="#">yes</A>']),
>> th('<A HREF="#">Enclosure 2</A>').td(['<A
>> HREF="#">no</A>','<A
>> HREF="#">no</A>','<A HREF="#">yes</A>'])
>> ]
>> )
>> );
>> end_html();
> Hi all,
> How to convert the format above into an OOP style when
> adding a hyperlink? I am afraid  many people might
> have typo if they follow the format above.

THis might help:


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