On Fri, 2006-23-06 at 13:36 -0400, Moon, John wrote:
>      1  #! /usr/local/bin/perl -d
>      2  use strict;
>    106  my ($prev_fund, $prev_service, $prev_acct);
>    107  my %totals=();
>    108  while ($sth->fetch) {
>    109      if ($fund ne $prev_fund) {
>    110
> &PrintAcctTotal($totals{$prev_fund}{$prev_service}{$prev_acct}{AMT},
>    111
> $totals{$prev_fund}{$prev_service}{$prev_acct}{QTY});
>    112
> &PrintServiceTotal($totals{$prev_fund}{$prev_service}{AMT},
>    113              $totals{$prev_fund}{$prev_service}{QTY});
>    114          &PrintFundTotal($totals{$prev_fund});
>    115          }
>    116      elsif ($service ne $prev_service) {

Examine %totals here. (You can also add the following to get %totals
displayed on STDOUT:
  use Data::Dumper;
  print Dumper \%totals; # %totals will be called $VAR1

>    117          print
> "(prev_fund,prev_service)=<$prev_fund,$prev_service>\n";
>    118          print "value
> =<$totals{$prev_fund}{$prev_service}{AMT}>\n";

This is generating an error because you are going (at least) one level
too deep. In other words, %totals doesn't have the structure you think
it has.


Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,
   --- Shawn

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