On 5 Jul 2006 at 23:12, BenBart wrote:
> Is there another option of running an OS command or UNIX script besides 
> using system "[OS_COMMAND]", for example system "cat /etc/hosts" or 
> system "[UNIX_SCRIPT]"?

Yes, as you already know: exec, folk and there's the backtick operator `.

> How can I make sure that the system '[OS_COMMAND]" finishes its run 
> before I proceed to run the rest of the codes in the script?

The next line of the script will not run until system has returned. So I guess 
the next line of the  
script should check the status of what was returned from system ($! or $?, see 

So something like this would return (on a *NIX system) all the running 
processes with the same 
name as your program.

use strict;
use warnings;

my $cmd = "/bin/ps -ef|grep $0";         # see perlvar for $0.
my $output = `$cmd`;

Also see perlfaq8.


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