I have script which running fine on FC5 (perl v 5.8.1) but not working on RH9(5.8.0).

my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldap_host);
die "Unable to contact $ldap_host\n" unless defined $ldap;

my $mesg = $ldap->bind;

$mesg = $ldap->search(
  base   => $ldap_base,
  scope  => 'one',
  filter => "uid=$uid",
  attrs => ['uid'] );

If it run on RH9, it simply hanging.
But if I change to:

  my $ldap_filter => "uid=test";

it works.
$uid itself is valid (contains entry), this also did not works:

my $filter = "uid=$uid";
  filter => $ldap_filter

Im not sure it because of perl version or Net::LDAP module (module version is same).
any clue?

many thanks.

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