On 7/10/06, Mr. Shawn H. Corey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jay Savage wrote:
>   foreach ('a'..'z') {
>      $recent{$_} = time;
>      sleep 1;
>   }

Ouch. The OP did mention his limit was 200. So he must have more than
200 elements to scan. This algorithm will takes at least 3m20s, so it's
hardly fast (which was one of the points of this exercise).

Ah, I just did the math. I think you're responding to the post with
disappearing text. My follow-up made it clear that there were missing
paragraphs in the original, and the code with sleep was just to
simulate a user experience. Whatever the elemets are, it's unlikely
that a person will access more thn one of them per second. So we want
adding items to be speedy, but I figured in some time between adds to
let the example work with time() as it would in a "real world"

If you expect less than 1s between adds, use Time::HiRes.

I hope that makes things a little clearer.

-- jay
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