Hello Rod,

I am not the author of the initial message, but thanks a lot for your
I am trying to adopt your script to my need, and, basically, it works
for me.

But I am totally frustrated in regexp part in the script:

Could you please explain it? Or maybe you have a link to intelligible
guide for perl regexp?

I am sure a lot of the readers of this list would happy to understand
this really great part of perl :)

On Mon, Jul 17, 2006 at 08:13:59PM +0200, Dr.Ruud wrote:
> "Rod Burgess" schreef:
> Your Subject has no quality. Please come up with something like "convert
> data lines".
> > I am new to the Perl world and am trying to learn it.  A coworker
> > tells me that Perl will not work for what I am trying to do however,
> > I think Perl would be a great tool to use and  I feel this coworker
> > is wrong.
> > I have a file that contains several lines all as below:
> > DR03555{tab}    45600062888{tab}     00008FLAT WASHER
> > DR03555{tab}    228765329{tab}        00001GASKET
> >
> > The meaning of the file is
> > DR03555 = order number
> > 45600062888 = part number
> > 00008 = quantity
> > FLAT WASHER = Description
> >
> > The lines all begin with the prefex DR  I would like to read this
> > file and produce the following output:
> >
> > 45600062888;8;FLAT WASHER
> > 228765329;1;GASKET
> >
> > basiclly I need a file that lists the following:
> > Part#;Quantity;Description
> >
> > Is this possible with Perl?
> Certainly.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> # ID: pqd.pl
>   use warnings ;
>   use strict ;
>   while ( <> )
>   {
>     /^DR\d+.*?(\d+).*?(\d+)(.+)/
>       and print "$1;", 0+$2, ";$3\n" ;
>   }
> If your data is in pqd.in, and pqd.pl is execuable, then just run it as
>   pqd.pl pqd.in
> -- 
> Affijn, Ruud
> "Gewoon is een tijger."
> -- 
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