Hi folks,

I have a script that calls rmtree. The operation works; my directory and
its contents are removed.
However, I get this error:

Can't make directory /u01/mydocs/mytest001 read+writeable: Operation not
permitted at /u02/home/myacct_rem.pl line 41

If the directory has been deleted, why then is rmtree trying to make it

The permissions on the directories are as follows:

drwxrwxr-x    3 nobody   nobody       4096 Jul 18 13:35 /u01/mydocs

drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   nobody       4096 Jan  1  2006

I'm not running as user "nobody", but I'm in group "nobody".

I know this must be easy to fix...

Thanks for any insights!


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