Ken Perl wrote:

I find a difficulty when writing the constructor which may has dynamic
and non fixed number of properties, say we want to construct a new
class Account,

package Account;

sub new {
 my $class = shift;
 my $self = { currency_us=>undef,
                    currency_fr =>undef,
 bless $self, $class;
 return $self;

If we want to create new object with more other contries' currency and
don't want to modify the code, for example, get more other contries'
name from database, how to write my constructor method and it can live
with the dynamic database?

I'm unclear what you want. I don't see how you an do anything without modifying
the code. Do you mean you want to subclass Account?

Suppose you have a list of currencies in @currencies (I can't explain how to get
it there as I don't know where it's coming from) you can add these to your
object with:

  my @currencies = qw/ currency_uk currency_gr currency_sp /;


Does this help at all?


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