
Parsing XML with your own logic is cumbersome. However, you can easily parse
it using Xml::Parser/Xml::Simple modules.  

Here is a sample code using Xml::Simple...

use strict;
use XML::Simple;

my ($parser, $xmldata);

$parser = XML::Simple->new();

$xmldata = $parser->XMLin($ARGV[0]);

print $xmldata->{'filemap_generic'}, "\n";


with warm regards,
Venkat Saranathan
Gulf Breeze Software
GulfBreeze Blog

-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Savage [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 10:44 AM
To: Nishi Bhonsle;
Subject: Re: write out filenames of files existing on a filesystem into

On 7/19/06, Prabu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nishi Bhonsle wrote:
> > Hi:
> >
> > How do I look for the string <filemap_generic> in the following file
> > so that
> > i can insert something between the tags
> > <filemap_generic>
> > insert some bla text here
> > </filemap_generic>
> > in the following file?
> >
> >
> >
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> >
> >    <!DOCTYPE filemap>
> >      <filemap xmlns:xsi="";
> >    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="filemap.xsd">
> >
> > <filemap_generic>
> >
> > </filemap_generic>
> > </filemap>
> >
> Hello Nishi,
> Hope this helps you...
> perl -i.bak -p -e 's#<filemap_generic>#<filemap_generic>insert some bla
> text here#i' filename
> --
> Prabu.M.A
> When I was born I was so surprised
>         I didnt talk for a period and half
>                                  -Gracie Allen


First of all, when you have a new question, start a new thread. Please
see the FAQ. The only people who will find this message are people
interested file names.

Second, parsing structured data with regexes is notoriously tricky.
There are hundreds of modules on CPAn to accomplish what you're trying
to do. which ones have you tried? Why didn't they work? Again, please
see the FAQ or


-- jay
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