macromedia wrote:
> Hi,


> I can't seem to get my script to sort properly.

Yes, it is a bit tricky to get right.

> Below is my code along with
> a sample input.txt file. I also have what the output.txt file should look
> like. Also note any duplicate should be striped out 
> which seems to work ok.
> Something is getting messed up when I have the numerials along with alpha
> etc. I can't seem to get the results of the OUTPUT.TXT file below.
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> require 5.000;
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use POSIX;
> my %tags = ();
> my $input = $ARGV[0];
> my $output = $ARGV[1];
> open (FILE, "< $input") or die "cannot open $input: $!\n";
>   while (my $tag = <FILE>) {
>     $tag =~ m/<tag id=(\w+)>/;
>     $tags{$1} = $tag;

You shouldn't use $1 unless you are sure the pattern matched.

>   }
>   open (NEWFILE, "> $output");

You should verify that this file opened correctly too.

   open (NEWFILE, "> $output") or die "cannot open $output: $!\n";

>   foreach my $id ( map { $_->[0] }
>                    sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] || $a->[7] <=> $b->[7] }
>                    map { [ $_, ( isdigit( $_ ) ? $_ : 0 ) ] }
>                    keys %tags )
>   {
>        print NEWFILE $tags{$id};

Missing a closing } here.

This appears to do what you want:

while ( my $tag = <FILE> ) {
    next unless $tag =~ /<tag id=(\d*)([^>]*)>/;
    $tags{ sprintf '%04d%s', $1 || 9999, $2 } = $tag;
    # if you are expecting numbers larger than 9999 then
    # use a larger constant and a larger sprintf format

open (NEWFILE, "> $output") or die "cannot open $output: $!\n";

foreach my $id ( sort keys %tags ) {
    print NEWFILE $tags{ $id };er

use Perl;

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