On Jul 26, 2006, at 2:59 PM, Steve Pittman wrote:
I am using activestate on a windows box ...the files I am parsing are
Unix files...I tried this so far...

open ( IN, "<$_[0]" )||die "Can't open DAT source file: $tempFile
        while (<IN>){s/\r/\n/g;@lines = <IN>;}#
        close (IN);
        foreach $line (@lines)

Try a different value for the INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR ($/):

$/="\n" ;
open ( IN, "<$_[0]" ) or die "Can't open DAT source file: $tempFile $! \n" ;
my @lines = <IN> ;
  foreach $line (@lines)
  { ...

Notice that I also changed the || to "or".

Let us know what you try and how it works for you.

- Robert
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