why do you keep on asking the same question?????????

On Jul 27, 2006, at 9:47 AM, Sayed, Irfan ((Irfan)) wrote:


I am executing following code. i need to send the output of
system($cmd); command to the file . how do i do that

plz help


#########/usr/atria/bin/Perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;
my $CT = "/usr/atria/bin/cleartool";
my @vob_list = `$CT lsvob -s`;

my $fname  = "/tmp/vob_trigger";
open FILE,">>",$fname or die $!;

foreach (@vob_list)
print "Following are the triggers applied for $_ VOB\n\n";
my $cmd = "$CT lstype -kind trtype -invob $_";
print "***********************************************\n\n";

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