Octavian Rasnita wrote:
> Thank you very much for your suggestion. It works, but unfortunately very
> very slow.
> If I put the data after __DATA__ and read <DATA>, it works very fast, but if
> I create a $text var that holds the same data then open(DATA, "<", \$text),
> it works more than 100 times slower.
> Here is what I have done:
> open(IN, "<", \$text) or die - $!;
> while(<IN>) {
> if (/$ARGV[0]/) {
> my ($word, $word2) = split '##', $_, 2;
> print "$word = $word2\n";
> last;
> }
> }
> print times();
> Am I doing something wrong, or can I do something to improve the speed?

my $pattern = qr/$ARGV[0]/;

while ( $text =~ /(?=.*$pattern)(.+?)##(.+)/g ) {
    print "$1 = $2\n";

use Perl;

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