Hi Robin,
        yeah I have looked at documentation of XML::Writer.
        The example explains how to create a new xml file
        and insert tags there, but does not says how to modify
        already existing XML.

        My problem is I want to read and write into the same
        xml file.For reader I am using XML::SimpleObject and
        and for writing XML::Writer.

        Both of them uses separate objects.
        I want to pass the XML(used by XML::SimpleObject) to the writer
        object for modification, so that I can do some write operation.

        Any pointers also is fine.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Norwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 8:23 PM
To: Nath, Alok (STSD)
Cc: beginners@perl.org
Subject: Re: Writing to XML using XML::Writer

"Nath, Alok (STSD)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
>       Can anybody give me a simple code snippet which writes or
> this xml ?
>       <my_list>
>           <guy name="SomeGuy">
>               <user>Tom</user>
>             <date-of-birth>Aug 2006</date-of-birth>
>           </guy>
>           <guy name="AnotherGuy">
>               <user>Dicken</user>
>             <date-of-birth>Aug 2006</date-of-birth>      
>           </guy>
>       </my_list>      
>       I want to read and write into this simple xml, basically
changing the 
> values or deleting them.
>       After scanning through different XML modules I zeroed into 
> XML::SimpleObject for reading.For
>       reading I know how to do it.For writing I am struggling.I want
to use 
> XML::Writer.
>       Any help greatly appreciated.

Well...have you looked at perldoc XML::Writer ?  The module is pretty
well documented...if you start with the hello world example in the docs,
you should be able to get to your example with a few minutes of hacking.

If you have any problems with it, don't hesitate to ask.


> Thanx,
> Alok
> use XML::Parser ;
> use XML::SimpleObject;
> use XML::Writer;
> use IO::File;
> my $xml = "Inventory.xml" ;
> my $parser = XML::Parser->new(ErrorContext => 2, Style => "Tree"); my 
> $xso = XML::SimpleObject->new( $parser->parsefile($xml) );
> # Reading an XML file
> foreach my $element ($xso->child("my_list")->children("guy"))
> {
>       print "  User: " . $element->child("user")->value . "\n";
>       print "  Date of Birth: " .
> $element->child("date-of-birth")->value . "\n";
>       print "\n" ;    
> }
> # Code for Writing into the above xml

Robin Norwood
Red Hat, Inc.

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