-----Original Message-----
From: Ricardo SIGNES [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 8:58 AM
To: beginners@perl.org
Subject: Re: recusrive listing

* "Smith, Derek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-08-17T10:52:16]
> What module would be ideal for getting a recursive listing into an
> or hash?

Your code, below, makes it look like you really mean "for getting a
directory listing."

> I was looking at IO::All????

Is that a question?  Do multiple question marks convert into a period or

Here's a crappy little directory lister I wrote once:


You could pretty easily turn that into a hash-builder.  Instead of
passing in
an indent level, just pass in the directory name.  Instead of printing,

Thank you for that code as I thought about using glob and grep, but
found IO::All easier to manipulate.

Yes I need to get a recursive dir listing which I did use IO::All.
Yes that was a question after all I typed "?" right? : )
No period conversion. Typically multiple ??? marks in the English
language has inherited dual meanings: 1) a question and 2) thinking out
loud wanting feedback.

Here is what I initially was using to grab all files, no dirs:


push @NBlogs1,
    grep { $_ ne "." and $_ ne ".." and -f "$oneweekdir/$_" }


then for another requirement I started using IO::All

use IO::All;
my $twoweekdir          = io('/usr/openv/netbackup/logs');
my @twoweekdir_contents = $twoweekdir->all(0);

foreach my $log (@twoweekdir_contents) {
    push @NBlogs2, $log if $log =~ /log.\d+/;

The infix deref operator $twoweekdir->all(0) means dive down subdirs as
far as it can go.

Do I really need to load ::All as opposed to just ::Dir?

IO::All combines all of the best Perl IO modules into a single nifty
object oriented interface to greatly simplify your everyday Perl IO
idioms. It exports a single function called io, which returns a new
IO::All object. And that object can do it all!

The IO::All object is a proxy for IO::File, IO::Dir, IO::Socket,
IO::String, Tie::File, File::Spec, File::Path and File::ReadBackwards;
as well as all the DBM and MLDBM modules. You can use most of the
methods found in these classes and in IO::Handle (which they inherit
from). IO::All adds dozens of other helpful idiomatic methods including
file stat and manipulation functions.

IO::All is pluggable, and modules like IO::All::LWP and IO::All::Mailto
add even more functionality. Optionally, every IO::All object can be
tied to itself. This means that you can use most perl IO builtins on it:
readline, <>, getc, print, printf, syswrite, sysread, close.

The distinguishing magic of IO::All is that it will automatically open
(and close) files, directories, sockets and other IO


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