On 18/08/06, Mumia W. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 08/18/2006 08:23 AM, Nath, Alok (STSD) wrote:
> Hi Guys,
>       My question is can I create more that one form in the same page.


>       If yes , do I need to create separate cgi object for each form
> or one object
>       for one page is sufficient.How do I design ? Which is advised ?

One cgi object is enough. Use start_form and end_form.

>       The reason for asking is I have created few tables in the same
> page.
>       In my current implementation I have single form which creates
> multiple
>       tables.Bcos of some unknown reason none of the tables are
> getting displayed.
>               I was wondering if I can create separate forms isolating
> the
>       error will be easier for me.
> Please advise.
> Thanx,
> Alok

Run your script through the w3c's "tidy" utility to see what's
messed up.

Or you could use the w3c's web page validator:

Also its a good idea to view source to check that the code is
translating into the HTML ou are expecting

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