John W. Krahn wrote:
Hardly Armchair wrote:
Hello List,


I have a data structure like so:

%p_mod = {
You are using the wrong punctuation.  That would produce a warning if you had
warnings enabled.

Sorry. I'm actually generating this data structure dynamically and just copied the output of Data::Dumper, which treats it as a reference instead of a hash. So, no warnings, but thanks for spotting that.

          'A' => {
                  'fingers' => {
                                '4' => 'ABSFMQS',
                                '5' => 'SMTFQNL',
                  'name'    => '8-H34'
          'C' => {
                  'fingers' => {
                                '1' => 'ALEJIEK',
                                '2' => 'BESLERJ',
                  'name'    => '9-J09'
          'B' => {
                  'fingers' => {
                                '3' => 'OLPWJEK',
                  'name'    => '6-G79'

To access the keys to the hash reference under 'fingers' ordered by the
interior number (1 through 5) I have made this construct:

foreach my $mods (reverse sort keys %p_mod) {  #first sort to go C,B,A

Instead of reversing the list just sort in reverse order:

for my $mods ( sort { $b cmp $a } keys %p_mod ) {

In modern versions of Perl that is a special case that is just as fast as the
default sort.

Wonderful! Thank you.

   for my $position ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $p_mod{$mods}{fingers} } ) {

(Again, a special case for sort.)


You are passing sort a list of keys from %{$p_mod{$mods}{fingers}} which is a
list of numbers and you are using those numbers (in $a and $b) where there are
only the keys 'fingers' and 'name'.  You need to just sort the numbers in $a
and $b (see above.)


A beautiful, simple solution.  Thank you very much.


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