
I do not have my perl books with me and so I cannot diagnose the error I am getting with several if statements. Could someone assist?

Here is the code:

#! /bin/perl

# Create the files to delete list file

# Find all the files
print "Extracting files in directory";

@file_list = `dir c:/s`;

# Build the list of directories and files

$temp_index = 0;

$file_index = 0;

$directory_index = 0;

$dir_list_size = scalar(file_list);

while ($temp_index lt $dir_list_size)

   chomp file_list(temp_index);

   $parse_line = split($temp_index);

   $file_read = 0;

   # Determine if this is a directory and if so add it to the
   # directory array and increment the index
   if ($parse_line[0] == "Directory")
      $directory_list = $parse_line[1];
      $directory_index =$directory_index + 1;

      $actual_files[file_index] = $parse_line[0];
      $file_size[file_index] = $parse_line[5];
      $file_deleted[file_index] = 0;

      $file_index = $file_index + 1;


   $temp_index = $temp_index + 1;

$number_files = scalar(@actual_files);

# Loop through the list of files
$file_index = 0;
while ($file_index < $number_of_files)

    $file_read = 0;

    # Is the file marked as one to be deleted
    if (file_deleted[compare_index] == 0)
       duplicate_index = file_index + 1;

       while (duplicate_index < $number_of_files)

           if (file_size[file_index] ==
              # Read the file if we need to
              if (file_read == 0)
                 # Mark the file as read to avoid reading it again
                 file_read = 1;

              # Compare the file
              if (main_file == possible_file)
                 # File is the same delete it

                 # Build the file name to delete
                 $delete_file_name == $directory[actual_file[duplicate_index].

                 # Remove the file
                 # system(delete $delete_file_name);

                 file_deleted[duplicate_index] =1;

$number_files = scalar(@full_file_list);
# Build the list of file names dates and size
$file_index = 0;

$check_file_index = 0;

while ($file_index < $number_files)
    # Split the string into the various components into an array

    if (1 == 1)
        $check_file[$check_file_index] = $full_file_list[file_index];

        $check_file_index = $check_file_index + 1;

    $file_index = $file_index + 1;

$number_file_index = $file_index;

# Process the file list

$compare_file_index = 0;

while ($compare_file_index < $number_actual_files)
    $compare_file_index = $compare_file_index + 1;


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