--- Tom Phoenix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 9/11/06, chen li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > sometimes some PODs are very long I
> > can't go back  once I read to the end. The only
> way I
> > can go back is to issue the line code again. Is
> there
> > any way around this problem under window prompt?
> Generally, the perldoc command sends its output to a
> pager program.
> That's a program that lets you read the
> documentation one screenful at
> a time, generally using the space bar to advance to
> the next page.
> Some pagers (such as 'less') will let you search
> forward and backwards
> through the documentation, among other conveniences.
> Most Unix systems
> have at least the pagers 'more' and 'less'.
> If you wish to use a different pager than the
> default, or none at all,
> check the pager options covered in 'perldoc
> perldoc', which is the
> documentation of perldoc itself. Of course, the
> default pager on your
> system may already be capable of doing what you
> need; check its
> documentation as well.
> Cheers!
> --Tom Phoenix
> Stonehenge Perl Training

Thank you very much, Tom. 

After I read perldoc perldoc I find the solution to my
question: use the -T option.

And this is how I do (use CGI POD as an example):

C:\> perldoc -T CGI > CGI.txt

After that I get a file called CGI.txt at the same
directory. Then I open my editor and import CGI.txt.
Now I can do what I want.


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