On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 08:02:36PM -0400, Jen Spinney wrote:
> The only difference between the blocks is two additional lines
> ($x[2]...) in the else block.  I mean, I know I could write a
> subroutine that I could call inside the parentheses that would return
> a string (either empty or containing "$x[2]... depending on the result
> of the condition test), but that seems clunky.  There seems like there
> should be a simpler way.  Any thoughts?  Thanks for any help! - Jen

Do everything without a conditional except those two lines -- do them
with an "unless".

CCD CopyWrite Chad Perrin [ http://ccd.apotheon.org ]
"A script is what you give the actors.  A program
is what you give the audience." - Larry Wall

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