Mathew Snyder schreef:
> John W. Krahn:
>> Mathew:

>>> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>>> use strict;
>>> my @filenames;
>>> my $processDir = "/usr/bin";
>>> opendir DH, $processDir or die "cannot open $processDir: $!";
>>> foreach my $file (sort(readdir DH)){
>>>         push @filenames, $file;
>>> }
>> Why not just:
>>   my @filenames = sort readdir DH;
> Being new to Perl I want to learn the "long" and traditional way
> before I begin figuring out all the shortcuts.

Don't see them as shortcuts. Read `perldoc perldsc`.
Learn how to handle single items (scalars, references too), and how to
handle groups (arrays, hashes).

> Having been overwhelmed by all of the numerous options and possible
> methods of accomplishing this I took what I understood from everyone's
> suggestions and came up with this:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> my $processDir = "/usr/bin";

No need for dquotes: there is nothing to interpolate.


  my $processDir = '/usr/bin' ;

  my $processDir = q{/usr/bin} ;

> my @filenames;
> my $file_count = 0;
> opendir DH, $processDir or die "cannot open $processDir: $!";
> foreach my $file (readdir DH){
>         next if ($file =~  /^\.]$|^\.\.$/);
>         push @filenames, $file;
> }
> closedir DH;

The "]" should not be in the regex. Do you really only want to single
out '.' and '..' or also any other directories that might exist inside

The DH is old style, use the lexical "my $dh".

  { # new block, to limit the scope of $dh
    opendir my $dh, $processDir or die "open '$processDir': $!" ;
    @filenames = sort grep -f, readdir $dh ;
    closedir $dh or die "close '$processDir': $!" ;

> foreach my $filename (sort(@filenames)) {
>         $filename = "$processDir/$filename";
>         my $mod_time = (stat($filename))[9];
>         print "$filename: $mod_time\n";
>         $file_count += 1;
> }
> print "\nThere are " . $file_count . " items in the filenames
> array.\n";

I liked your

  print "\nThere are " . scalar @filenames . " filenames.\n";


> Dr. Ruud had mentioned that I was sorting too soon

Actually you weren't. But when you switched to a hash (which was a good
switch), you were.

> I was having a hard time
> understanding the - -f option and the line with grep in it so I
> didn't bother with those this time around.

See again `perldoc -f readdir`.

> Thanks everyone, for all you help.

I see still no proper sigsep here. Don't use PGP for technical mailing
lists and newsgroups: keep your messages as light and clean as humanly

> - --
> Mathew

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

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