Dr.Ruud wrote:
> "Dr.Ruud" schreef:
>>Mathew Snyder:
>>>foreach my $file (sort(readdir DH)){
>>>        push @filenames, $file;
>>You sort too early.
> Ignore that. Just use John's alternative:
>   my @filenames = sort readdir DH;
> or make that
>   my @filenames = sort grep -f, readdir DH;

Please read the readdir entry in perlfunc, and then read it again very
carefully.  You are testing a file from a different direcory so the -f test
will probably always fail!

If you just want the file names in @filenames:

my @filenames = sort grep -f "$processDir/$_", readdir DH;

If you want the complete path names in @filenames:

my @filenames = sort grep -f, map "$processDir/$_", readdir DH;

> Globs are sorted nowadays,


perldoc File::Glob
       By default, the pathnames are sorted in ascending ASCII order; this
       flag prevents that sorting (speeding up bsd_glob()).

> I don't know whether readdir is too.


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