Did you test it? It is my impression that CGI.pm works this way


    if (param) {

         # Replace the parameter.
         my $temp = param('name');
         if ($nmap{$temp}) {
             # param('name',$nmap{$temp}); # This also works.
             param(-name => 'name', -value => $nmap{$temp});

           "Your name is ",em(param('name')),p,
           "The keywords are: ",em(join(", ",param('words'))),p,
           "Your favorite color is ",em(param('color')),".\n";
    print end_html;

Thanks for your response, Mumia. 

This is very similar to the example in the doc, and it does work, but
what I'm (still) trying to do is replace the name that is typed into the
textfield, not print it outside of the form.

Thanks to all who've responded, so far. I'm still playing with it, but
haven't cracked it yet... I hate getting hung up on something simple.
(maybe what I need is sleep at this point :) 


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