Owen Cook am Montag, 25. September 2006 00:36:
> On Sun, 24 Sep 2006, elite elite wrote:
> > How do i Assign'Wright" to the scalar how do i do
> > that?And how do i change a value of $street to
> > 'Washington'

Hello Craig

Sounds like a homwork... ;-)

Type in the cmdline:

perldoc perlintro

the answers are in the first half of this document.

> $what_ever = "Wright";
> $what_ever = "I have changed it from Wright to this";

(no need for double quotes here: nothing interpolated into these strings)

> $street = 'Washington';
> > How do i print $street on it own line just like hello
> > world?
> print "$street\n";
> What did you try?


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