Derek B. Smith wrote:
> --- Rob Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Rob Dixon wrote:
>>> This will do what you want. It shuffles all of the possible characters
>>> and joins them into a string, and then finds the first substring of six
>>> characters that starts with a non-numeric character. The only proviso is
>>> that a password can never have the same character twice, which isn't true
>>> of the general solution.
[snip faulty code]
>>    use List::Util qw/shuffle/;
>>    my $chars = join '', shuffle (0..9, 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z');
>>    my ($password) = $chars =~ /(\D.....)/;
> so this solution DOES NOT allow two of the same characters twice?
> cool thanks!
> derek

Yes. And it doesn't allow even one of the same character twice either! :)


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