On 11 Oct 2006 at 17:14, Mazhar wrote:

> From the help above i created a new perl code and i was successfull in
> running the code by typing the command /scripts/newxxx.pl but the same is
> not executed by cron i have the cron entry as below
>  10 * * * * /scripts/newxxx.pl

This as to be the longest running thread since the great "Good 
answer/bad answer" debate.

So Mazhar:

1) In who's crontab file have you put this entry?
2) Does this user exist in cron-allow?
3) Do you need to HUP crond to get the cron -rescheduled?
4) Have you any access to the cron log, if so what does that say?
5) Try printing out the environment variables at the start of the 
script incase there is something restricting the job. Something like 
the bit below (untested).

foreach my $k (%ENV) {
        print "$k -> $ENV{$k}\n";

Is there any any output from the command, either from cron or from 
the command line? Can we see a sample please and the output from the 

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