I.B. wrote:
> sorry, I didn't fraze my question correctly.

> example :
> $line="abcxabcxxabcxxxabc";
> how to match everything beofre "xxx" but not xxx itself?
> the answer i got is to use lookaheads:
> my $line = "abcxxabcxxxabc";
> if ($line =~ m{(.*?(?:(?!xxx).))xxx}){
>     print "matched: $1\n";
> }
> else{
>     print "failed\n";
> }

Your expression is too complicated:

if ( $line =~ /(.*?)xxx/ ) {

would accomplish the same thing.

$ perl -le'$_ = "abcxabcxxabcxxxabc"; print $1 if /(.*?(?:(?!xxx).))xxx/'
$ perl -le'$_ = "abcxabcxxabcxxxabc"; print $1 if /(.*?)xxx/'

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