On Fri, 2006-10-20 at 10:56 -0700, Wagner, David --- Senior Programmer
> From my understanding of scp, one has login rights to the remote
> machine and you login and work from there. At this point, I am lost in
> how one would handle what I am doing now using this new method of
> processing.

ssh allows you to log in remotely.   scp is secure copy,  man scp it
replicates the cp command.

you might be interested in Net::SCP  (http://search.cpan.org)

>       Any suggestions and/or examples on how one attempt to accomplish
> a task like this?

If you want a more direct replacement of ftp then sftp might be closer
to what you want.

Net::SFTP is probably what you want.

YOU may want to investigate how to generate keys with ssh-keygen and
then installing it into the remote server in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
(those Americans cannot spell...).  Look this up on the web there are
hundreds of pages.

ssh and scp are miles ahead of ftp in scripting terms,  I can use ftp
but it is horrible :-)

Ken Foskey

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