Hello again,

Thanks Tom Pheonix...I had put in a forward in place of backwards 
slash...always a stupid mistake...one more question...I am able to substitute 
the first value in my hash %id_global but doesn't substitute the rest I think 
because it is only moving through the file once...I've successfully split it 
into an array...how does one go about whiling through the elements of an array 



#open treefile and while through it, substituting species name value when key 
found in file.
open (TREE,$treefile)|| die "can't open tree file: $\n";
#my @TREE;
my $line;
while (<TREE>){
   #split $_ on colon;
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] = split (':',$_);
   #print $TREE[0]; 
   foreach my $code (keys %id_global){
   #print "CODE->".$code."<-VALUE->".$id_global{$code}."\n";
   $line = $_;
   #if ($line =~ m/(.*)$code([\D])/) {print "MATCH"." 
   #else {print "NO MATCH"." ".$code."<-\n";} #works,matches all values w/right 
   #$line=~ s/(.*)$code([\D])/$1$id_global{$code}$2/g; #Yea!...now it 
substitutes one value correctly
   print $line.":";

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