On Friday 27 October 2006 09:23, Michael Alipio wrote:
> Hi,
> Suppose I have an appliance, it's not cisco but the process of updating
> configuration is almost the same.
> 1. First you log-in either via ssh or telnet..
> 2. Then you go into a certain mode by typing a particular command.
> 3. Only after you have enter that mode, you can issue the actual editing
> command, (e.g; set ip 4. Finally, issue another command to
> apply the configuration change.
> I need to execute these steps on a regular basis via cron.
> Step 1 is not a problem I guess because I have discovered that the
> appliance supports ssh public/private key authentication. Step 2 is also
> not a problem since I can execute it together with the command I use in
> step 1,
> ssh appliance.our.domain "conf t"
> Now, what? I don't know what to do next. Any idea?

Tried Net::SSH::Perl?

You can send multiple commands separately with that.

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