On 11/09/2006 07:04 AM, Dharshana Eswaran wrote:

Actually, i get data in hex bytes from a log file. I have to parse them or
analyze them according to some predefined rules or values.

For eg: a hex byte of 0xa4 is converted to binary as 10100100

Now, i have a file in which the values are predefined. It looks like

0xa4 => 10100100

in that MSB 1 stands for some abc
then the following bits 01 stands for cdf
then the remaining bits 00100 stands for xyz

(0/1)      |             2 bits               |            5 bits
abc       |        System name        |        Other details

System name                                     Other Details
00      ujj                                             00000
01      cdf                                            00001 etc....
10      bbg
11      gtt

In the above example, the text is just an eg and not the actual text.

I get those 8 bits as a whole as hex byte which i need to parse and diplay
them bitwise.

Hope this explains better.


Use the unpack function:

Start->Run->"perldoc -f pack"

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