"Beginner" schreef:
> On 22 Nov 2006 at 15:14, Beginner wrote:

>> The data looks like it is suited to a hash but GD::lines wants the
>> data passed to in as arrays references ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). That is one array
>> with all the "ancode_n" and foreach code, an array of all the yearly
>> values. I have managed to get my data into this type of structure
>> 'ADV ' => [
>>    '117216',
>>    '104776',
>>     ]
>> 'BAP ' => [
>>    '0',
>>    '270',
>>    ],
> I managed to do it with this:
> my (@data,@leg);
> foreach my $code (keys %values) {
>         push @leg,$code;
>         my @temparray;
>         for (my $i = 0;$i <$no_years;++$i) {
>                 push @temparray, $values{$code}[$i];
>         }
>         my @foo = reverse @temparray;
>         push @data,[EMAIL PROTECTED];
> }

Maybe this helps:

  use warnings ;
  use strict ;
  use Data::Dumper;

  my ($an, @ancodes, %yrs, %values) ;

  for (<DATA>)
    if (/"ancode_(\d+)" = "(\w{3}) "$/)
      $an = $2 ;
      push @ancodes, $an ;
    elsif (/^"${an}_(\d{4})" = "([^"]*?[^" ]) *"$/)
      $yrs{ $1 } ++ ;
      $values{ $an }{ $1 } = $2 ;

  { local $\ = "\n" ;
    print Dumper( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ;
    print Dumper( \%yrs ) ;
    print Dumper( \%values ) ;

  for $an (sort @ancodes)
    for my $y (sort keys %yrs)
      print "$an,$y,", $values{ $an }{ $y }, "\n" ;

"ancode_1" = "ADV "
"ADV_2006" = "117216 "
"ADV_2005" = "104776 "
"ancode_2" = "BAP "
"BAP_2006" = "0 "
"BAP_2005" = "270 "
"ancode_3" = "BOO "
"BOO_2006" = "746854 "
"BOO_2005" = "673151 "
"ancode_4" = "BUS "
"BUS_2006" = "0 "
"BUS_2005" = "2476 "
"ancode_5" = "COM "
"COM_2006" = "87787 "
"COM_2005" = "97009 "

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

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