Rinku Mahesh wrote:
> Hi,


> I've an array storing some numbers , out of which few are duplicate.
> I'd like to skip those which are duplicate and save them in a new
> array and same time I wish to count the number of skipped/duplicate
> elements.
> Eg:- 
> Given Array "fields" {12,12,12,12,17,20,25,100,100,100}
> Expected Output :- Array "unique_elements"  {12,17,20,25,100}
> Count Information based upon "Array "fields" & Array "unique_elements" :- 
>    12 appeared 4 times
>    17 appeared once
>    20 appeared once
>    25 appeared once
>    100  appeared 4 times
> -----------------
> my @fields =();
> my @unique_elements=();
> my %seen   = ();

$ perl -e'
my @fields = ( 12, 12, 12, 12, 17, 20, 25, 100, 100, 100 );
my %seen;
my @unique_elements = grep !$seen{ $_ }++, @fields;
foreach my $elem ( @unique_elements ) {
    print "$elem appeared $seen{$elem} times\n";
12 appeared 4 times
17 appeared 1 times
20 appeared 1 times
25 appeared 1 times
100 appeared 3 times

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