On Thu, Dec 14, 2006 at 08:14:11PM +0100, D. Bolliger wrote:
> Here's an even worser example I tried to visit today:
> it's completely unaccessible without flash:
> http://www.limmatdruck.ch 

I've seen a few of those.

> (translation of the box:
> "Either you have not installed a flash plugin or a version below 6.
> To be able to navigate this site, please install the newest version of the 
> flash player")
> "You know, my son, in the old days, you could even find *text* on the 
> internet!"

That sort of thing drives me up the wall.  It just boggles my mind that
a web developer would want to drive away, for instance, all blind people
that use screen readers, everyone using an old system, everyone using a
cutting-edge OS like Plan9, everyone browsing from a work environment
where multimedia crap like Flash and Quicktime aren't allowed, and
everyone who disables Flash content viewing to avoid annoying ads.

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