  I have thought about this one and tried various code changes but cannot get 
what I want.

My problem: mismatched UIDs in password files.
My solution: 

#1 store passwd files in a globbed array
#2 create array reference from globbed array
#3 open array ref, create hash with more than one value per key. Keys are 
regexps from filenames
#4 read in every line of passwd files from reference. Values in hash need to be 
passwd entries
For example: key => servernames.platform (dubhpr01.hpux)
values => filelds from passwd file (name,uid,gid,comments)
#5 Once hash is built, traverse through searching for usernames that have 
unlike UIDs from all files, then print these to an xls using 

In my code I have completed 1,2 and 3. Started 4 but I am printing the array 
reference address as opposed to printing the actual values. What am I doing 
wrong and any tips would be nice? 

KEY dubhst14.hpux
ELEMENTS /home/dbsmith/passwd.dubhst14.hpux

KEY dubhdv05.hpux
ELEMENTS /home/dbsmith/passwd.dubhdv05.hpux

dubhst14.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002b0f8)
dubhdv05.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c9a4)
dubhadm3.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c8f0)
dwhetls2.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002c164)
dubhadm1.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c8a8)
oftappp1.hpux => ARRAY(0x405a2084)
dubhpr28.hpux => ARRAY(0x4002e1bc)
cic2.hpux => ARRAY(0x4059c6f8)


##-- Initialize environment --##
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
#use Data::Dumper;

$ENV{"PATH"} = qq(/usr/bin:/bin:/home/dbsmith:/home/dbsmith/McGaw);

##-- Central DIE routine --##
open (LOG, ">>/tmp/uid_ck.log") or warn "uid_ck.log did not open $!";
my $overide = $SIG{__DIE__}; ## get error handler currently assigned 2 die
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
my $error = shift; ## error now holds the mesg passed to die
$overide->($error) if ( ref $overide );
print LOG ($error);

##-- BEGIN MAIN --##

my @dublinaray = glob("/home/dbsmith/passwd.*");
my $dublin_aref = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
my @mcgawaray = glob("/home/dbsmith/McGaw/passwd.*");
my $mcgaw_aref = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
my (%dublin_hosts,%mcgaw_hosts) = ();
my ($dub_key,$dub_values,$mcg_key,$mcg_values);

sub parse_file {
   foreach my $element ( @{$dublin_aref} ) {
   { local *FILE;
     open (FILE, "+<$element") or die "dublin reference did not open: $!";
     local $/ = undef;
     ($dub_key) = $element =~ m|\.(\w+\.\w+)\z|i;
     ($dub_values) = split /:/, <FILE> ;
     push ( @{$dublin_hosts{$dub_key}}, $dub_values );
     print "KEY\t",$dub_key,"\n\n";
     print "ELEMENTS\t",$element,"\n\n";
     print "DUB VALUES\t",$dub_values,"\n\n";

while ( ($dub_key,$dub_values) = each %dublin_hosts ) {
     print "$dub_key => $dub_values\n";

#foreach my $host (sort keys %dublin_hosts) {
#    print "$host: @{$dublin_hosts{$dub_key}}\n";

#foreach my $element2 ( @{$mcgaw_aref} ) {
   # { local *FILE2;
   # open (FILE2, "+<$element2") or die "mcgaw reference did not open: $!";
   # local $/ = undef;  
   # ($mcg_key) = $element2 =~ m|\.(\w+\.\w+)\z|i;
   # push (@{$mcgaw_hosts{$mcg_key}}, $mcg_values );
   # print "\n$element2\n\n";
   # print ;
# }

} ##-- END SUB --##


  I looked in the cookbook and as I tried to implement is below.  Am I on the 
right road?
  thank you
  5.7. Hashes with Multiple Values Per Key    Problem   You want to store more 
than one value for each key.

    Solution  Store an array reference in $hash{$key}, and put the values into 
that array.

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