On Mon, 2006-12-18 at 12:15 -0600, Dukelow, Don wrote:
>   I'm making two executable file that is just one lines of ping commands
> like.
>       remsh <system name> ping -I <port IP> <router IP>
> This file could have a couple hundred line it like this.
> Each of the two files will be put off in different forks at the same time.
> For trouble shooting purposes I would like to see the out put of the two
> forked ping files to the screen.  The perl line I'm using to execute these
> files is qx/$OUT_FILE1/; and qx/$OUT_FILE2/;.  everything is happened in
> back ground so I don't see any of the system is alive output.

I don't quite understand what you want.

>From the subject line I read system2 might be what you need, grabs
stdout and stderr separately into a variable.

>From you description you want a two part screen and there is a curses
modules that does that for you.

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