Tom Smith wrote:
Dr.Ruud wrote:
Chad Perrin schreef:

TIMTOWTDI. On the shell machines of my provider (FreeBSD) the "id"
approach will work, and the "/etc/group" one won't.
I don't think that has anything to do with it being FreeBSD.

That was and is also what I don't think. I only mentioned it because OP
mentioned "This should work on any *nix system".

Yeah, that's very strange. I figured every *nix system would have an accessible /etc/group file--else, how's one to know which groups they're a member of when they log in?

And it's probably important to note that the script is intended to run as root so that it can access a secured portion of the server that users are unable to. (Sorry, I didn't think to add that earlier.)

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