Jay Savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  On 1/11/07, hOURS  wrote:
>  Some modifications I made: I changed the names of the programs being  tested 
> to fit what I had. I reduced the alarm time from one hour down  to a few 
> seconds. I included statements to print out error messages.  (The original if 
> and else blocks just had comments.) And lastly, for my  test, since I'll be 
> checking a large number of programs for infinite  loops, I encased this code 
> in a for loop. As you can see below, it  executes the code 4 times, testing 
> the programs, infinite1.pl,  infinite2.pl, infinite3.pl, and infinite4.pl. 
> Those are all very simple  programs. 1, 2, and 4 are identical:
>       $x = 3 + 4;
>       print $x;
>       Running them gives the expected 7  on the screen.  For infinite3.pl I  
> encased that in an endless loop:
>       while (1) {
>          $x = 3 + 4;
>          print $x;
>       }
>       Running this gives the expected  never-ending stream of 7's.
>       Here's the finished code for error  checking:
>       for($number = 1; $number < 5;  $number +=1) {
>          $ProgramName = "infinite" . $number . ".pl";
>          eval {
>            local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "$ProgramName timed out\n" };
>             alarm 9;
>             require $ProgramName;
>             alarm 0;
>          };
>          if($@) {
>            if($@ =~ /timed out/) {
>             print "timeout\n"; # timeout
>            } else {print "some other error\n"; # some other error
>           }
>          }
>       }
>       So when I run this code and check those four little  programs for 
> errors I get the following:
>       some other error
>       some other error
>       some other error
>       some other error
>       I don't know why I get 4 errors and  not one, and why they're of the 
> wrong type.   Any help would be appreciated.
>       Thank you,
>       Fred Kittelmann


My best guess is that require is failing. See perldoc require for all
the reasons that might happen, but the two most likely culprits are
that your "modules" aren't in @INC or that they don't return a true
value as their final statement. Try adding


to each of them as the last line of the file (again, read the require perldoc).

Also add some more debugging code.

    require $ProgramName or die "$!\n";

would be a good start. Then you can examine $@ to see why the eval failed.


-- jay

Thanks  Jay.  I can't believe I didn't think of that myself.  I put  in the 
1;'s and the "or die".  It's not that the requires are  failing - I get the 
same results.  I added
  print $@;
  right after the eval block.  Each time, that reads "The  Unsupported function 
alarm function is unimplemented at line 5."   What does that mean?

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