Ken Foskey wrote:
On Fri, 2007-01-19 at 13:16 +0100, Bertrand Baesjou wrote:

I am trying to read data from a file, I do this by using the "while (<FILE>){ $line....}" construction. However with files with a size of roughly bigger than 430MB it seems to crash the script :S Syntax seems all fine (perl -wc -> syntax OK).

I was thinking that maybe it was running to the end of a 32 bit counter (but that would be 536 MB right?)? Can anybody offer an other solution to work with such large files and perl?

No idea,  a little script sample might be good.

While running my script it seems to use around a gigabyte of memory (there is 1GB of RAM and 1GB of swap in the system), might this be the problem?

The script below gives the error:

use POSIX;

my $inputFile = $ARGV[0]; #file we are reading from
my $outputFile = "./tmp/overall-memory.dat";
my %somestorage;
my $linecounter = 0;
my $value=40;
my $bool = 0;

open(INFILE, "$inputFile") or die("Could not open log file."); # open for input
open(OUTFILE, ">$outputFile");

foreach $line (<INFILE>) {

print $linecounter;
system("pwd") == 0 or die "system failed: $?";

#wc -l samples/1169209055.trcxml
5198365 samples/1169209055.trcxml
# ./ samples/1169209055.trcxml
5198365system failed: 0 at ./ line 22.

Any ideas how to solve my problem?

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