Rob Dixon wrote:
M. Lewis wrote:
 > Given the following code, if I were to want $day, $month, $hour, $minute
 > & $sec to have a leading zero (ie 01 for Jan rather than 1), is my only
 > option to use printf? Or is there a better way.
 > What I'm searching for here is the *correct* method to get $day, $month,
 > etc for uses like naming backup files (databackup-2007-01-21.tar.gz).
 > Thanks,
 > Mike
 > #!/usr/bin/perl
 > use strict;
 > use warnings;
 > my($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year)=(localtime)[0 .. 5];
 > print "day=$day\n";
 > print "month=".($month+1)."\n";
 > print "year=".($year+1900)."\n\n";
 > print "hour=$hour\n";
 > print "minute=$min\n";
 > print "second=$sec\n\n";

Hi Mike

I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for, as your code doesn't address the
question of naming backup files.

I would write a short subroutine to 'fix' the output from localtime, and use
sprintf to build the filename. I hope this is what's wanted.


use strict;
use warnings;

sub date {
  my @date = localtime;
  $date[5] += 1900;

my $backup = sprintf 'databackup-%d-%02d-%02d.tar.gz', (date)[5,4,3];

print $backup, "\n";



Thanks to all for the replies. I'm grok all the replies and see which one(s) to use.



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