John W. Krahn wrote:
Gauthier, Dave wrote:
Getting unwanted list elements when using split with regex.  Here's an

$str = "abc=In";
@arr = split(/[a-zA-Z0-9]/,$str);
foreach $a (@arr)
  {print "$a\n";}

I get...

<> <> <> <=>

If I change "abc=In" to "abcdef=In", I get 6 unwanetd null elements (one
per char before the "="). I was expectiing a single element list with arr[0] = "=".

What's Up ?    Is ther a clen way to prevent creating these unwanted

In your example the string "abc=In" is being split using the expression
/[a-zA-Z0-9]/.  That expression matches in the string at positions 0, 1, 2, 4
and 5 therefore split will produce a list of *six* elements:

$ perl -le'
$str = "abc=In";
print ++$x, ": <$_>" for split /[a-zA-Z0-9]/, $str, -1;
1: <>
2: <>
3: <>
4: <=>
5: <>
6: <>

Your example only shows four because split automatically discards any trailing
empty elements.


Er, but he shows /six/ elements; and split /doesn't/ discard trailing empty
elements. Or am I misunderstanding you John?


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