On 02/12/2007 02:33 PM, Vladimir Lemberg wrote:

I have a script, which suppose to find all *.xml files under the specified 
directory then process them.
I'm facing the pattern match problem:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32;
use File::Find;

@ARGV = Win32::GetCwd() unless @ARGV;

my @dirs;

find (\&FindXml, $ARGV[0]);

sub FindXml {
    return if !stat || -d;
    ( my $xml_file = $File::Find::name ) =~ /^.+\.xml$/;
    push ( @dirs, $xml_file );

In this examples the pattern match /^.+\.xml$/ is not working and all files 
regardless of the extension have been assigned to $xml_file variable.

You probably want to push the filename onto the array if you get a successful match:

    sub FindXml
        return if !stat || -d;
        ( my $xml_file = $File::Find::name ) =~ /^(.+\.xml)$/;
        push ( @dirs, $xml_file ) if $1;

This would be a simpler way to do it:

    sub FindXml {
        return if !stat || -d;
        push @dirs, $File::Find::name if /^.+\.xml$/;


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