On 02/20/2007 04:17 PM, Moon, John wrote:
Thank you, Mumia W.

The following "ran"... I would have preferred to have installed at
~/cgi-bin/Library _not_ at ~/cgi-bin/Library/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5... following is the results.

Now when I try to install Ajax it still says it can't find

I tried perl -I ~/cgi-bin/Library Makefile.PL PREFIX=~/cgi-bin/Library

Any suggestions will be appreciated.



You might have to set PERL5LIB to /opt/common/html/.... before you
install Ajax.

Anyway, it's easier to install modules using the CPAN shell ("perldoc
CPAN") than by hand, and that's what I suggest for you.

If you can't use CPAN, another approach would be to uninstall the old Class::Accessor that is in the wrong location, and reinstall it using commands like (but not necessarily exactly like) these:

cd (into-build-directory)
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=~/cgi-bin/Library INSTALLSITELIB=~/cgi-bin/Library
make test
make install

export PERL5LIB
cd (into-build-directory-for-Ajax)
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=~/cgi-bin/Library INSTALLSITELIB=~/cgi-bin/Library
make test
make install

Read "perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker" before you do anything.

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