On 3/16/07, Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I wrote:
> (ftp), however, does not work which I'd guess is due to difference in
> communication method.

Doh!  (Net::FTP struck me upside the head!).

Don't reinvent the wheel. LWP comes with the lwp-download and
lwp-request scripts. They're normally installed in /usr/bin.

If you do want to re-write the scripts yourself or incorporate the
functionality into a script you're writing, look at the code for those
two programs as examples of how to accomplish the task quickly,
easily, and perlishly.

Also, both LWP::UserAgent (part of the default LWP) and WWW::Mechanize
handle any of the protocols in LWP::Protocol::*. Use one of them and
let the module sort out what sort of url you're downloading. This is a
solved problem.

For OP's situation, WWW::Mechanize probably makes the most sense,
because it can parse the links out of a page, and can then follow all
the ones that end in .iso. It can be downloaded from CPAN.


-- jay
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