Matt Herzog wrote:
> Hey all.


> I'm trying to write a script that will append a few chars (example _fr) to
> the end of the "prefix" filename. All the filenames I need to change end with
> .properties. I need to have this script descend into all subdirs of the dir
> specified at the command line.
> I can't seem to understand how to use a variable with the find(\&wanted
> syntax from File::Find. I suppose I can substitute "wanted" with &$whatever ?
> So far it does not work.

In the example find( \&wanted, 'dir' ) 'wanted' is the name of a subroutine
and \&wanted is a reference to that subroutine.  If you want to use $whatever
you would do it something like this:

my $whatever = sub { # store sub reference into $whatever
    # your code here

find( $whatever, 'dir' );

If you want to use a subroutine named 'whatever' then:

sub whatever {
    # your code here

find( \&whatever, 'dir' ); # pass a reference to 'whatever'

Or you could just use an anonymous subroutine directly:

find( sub { your code here }, 'dir' );

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