On Thu, 2007-03-22 at 17:17 -0700, oryann9 wrote:

> So in general in a web environment with 8-12gb RAM,
> mod_Perl and a MySQL/Postgres backend, do you or
> people you know statically link libc.a?

My understanding is with mod_perl the perl is constantly loaded into
Apache,  not starting and stopping the perl instance would mean that the
static versus dynamic would not be a really great saving.

Whenever I see performance tuning I always look towards the code itself
first.   Always profile your code to find out where the time is really
spent if it is a real issue, if it isn't then don't waste your time
looking to tenths of a second spend it on answering another business
question that may make thousands of dollars.

Ken Foskey
FOSS developer

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