Hi all. First time using subroutines in external files. I've had some sporadic success with some simple libs (not modules), but can't seem to get consistent results.

I've got a few subs files ending in 'pl' in a folder within my scripts' folder:

UnitedScripts (dir)
    Libs (dir)
      Lib1.pl, etc

I'm using the following (at the moment) to include them:

use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/Libs";

I consistently get errors like so: Undefined subroutine &main::route_get_hash called at ./ReadSingleTable.pl line 114.

I first assumed is was an @INC problem (I know that much), but printing the contents of @INC clearly shows my path is included:

...and so on

yeah, they're executable, and yeah, I've tried several approaches. Still no success. Anyone have any idea? Thanks.

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